LeFlore County calendar 10-1-2024
LeFlore County calendar 10-1-2024. This is a free service so if you are a non-profit, school or church, submit an event by email to [email protected]. Tuesday Poteau Evening Lions Club…
News, sports and more
LeFlore County calendar 10-1-2024. This is a free service so if you are a non-profit, school or church, submit an event by email to [email protected]. Tuesday Poteau Evening Lions Club…
LeFlore County weather for Tuesday calls for clear skies and warmer temperatures on the first day of October, 2024.
Daily Bible verse We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ….
By LEON YOUNGBLOOD In fairness, Norm was from Australia—you know, the “land down under,” as touted by the Men at Work Aussie band as the place where “women glow and…