Daily Bible verse 11-30-2024
Daily Bible verse Daily Bible verse for Saturday is: rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found…
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Daily Bible verse Daily Bible verse for Saturday is: rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found…
Oklahoma football semifinals Oklahoma football semifinals from Friday for Class 6A, 3A, 2A-1, and 2A-II scores from Friday. Class 5A, 4A, A-I, and A-II semifinals are Dec. 6.
LeFlore County calendar LeFlore County calendar for the next week. This is a free service so if you are a non-profit, school or church, submit an event by email to…
LeFlore County weather LeFlore County weather for Thursday calls for mostly cloudy skies and cooler temperatures in Shady Point and LeFlore County.
Funeral service Funeral service for Leona Pauline Kannady, 91, of Pocola is 2 p.m. Monday at Pocola Heights Church. Officiating the service will be Gaylon Freeman. Burial will follow at…
Oklahoma fishing report Oklahoma fishing report for this week is as follows: SOUTHEAST Broken Bow: November 20. Elevation is 4 ft. below normal and rising, water temperature 68°F and clear….