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4th of July and live music that follows

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4th of July and live music that follows


I hope this holiday is safe and happy for ya. Fireworks and cookouts, ya can’t beat’em. Here’s just a couple of Celebrations in our area for the whole family.


TODAY 4th Of July- “Shady Oak Tribadours” will be part of live music at Freedom Fest in McAlester. Activities for the kids, food and music all afternoon at the Pittsburg County Fairgrounds. From 11 a.m. til mignight.

TONITE (Still the 4th)- Celebrate America in Poteau. Water slides, lots of food and big firework display at dusk. Freedom Fest in Stigler out at Lake John Wells south of town. Family activities, food, fireworks at dusk.

I am part of the 2023 Poteau High School Alumni Reunion this year. It will be September 2nd- Labor Day weekend. Details are being worked out but I was able to book ”Even Keel” for the dance. I love this band if ya haven’t noticed. I keep their schedule posted. They play Buffett to Doobie Bros.- Eagles to Bob Marley. Good show, great dance tunes and shining personality in abundance. Bryan Clark/guitar is a Pirate alumni along with Dr Al Grzech/piano, Joshua Uhrich/vocals and acoustic, Mark Steele/drums and Joe Craine/bass. It will be a good time of fellowship and fun. Tell all your classmates, kids, grandkids and any PHS alumni to check out the PHS all class reunion Facebook event page to get all the details and how to preregister.

First Friday in Poteau has a couple of events. It’s First Friday Cruise nite and there will be live music at the Coffee Cup for the cars on Broadway. “Clay Grant” will be singing and it starts at 7 p.m. Then, First Friday is back in downtown Poteau at the Pocket Park on Dewey Avenue. Kicking BIG with “Grannie’s Nightmare”. starts at 7 p.m. Bring a lawnchair.

“Oklahoma Moon” will be opening its 2023 tour with a show on Friday at Neumeier’s Whippoorwill Restaurant on Garrison Avenue in Fort Smith. Glad to have this band back on stage. They were in such high demand last year that they run the wheels off the bus. Music starts at 7 p.m.

“The Stagemasters” will be at Dawn’s Diner in Red Oak this Saturday. Dining and dancing to the very best of music and grub. Take your honey to Red Oak, it’s a beautiful drive. Music starts at 6 p.m. Make plans to be there.

Muldrow City Limits will have “Page 1” playing for the Saturday dance at 7 p.m. “The Rhythm Coalition” will be jamming at Farewell Party and grill in Fort Smith, 8 p.m. til midnite on Saturday. “Grannie’s Nightmare” will be rockin’ at Red’s in Alma. Tell Rocky how purty he is. Make his day! Music starts at 8 p.m.

In Hackett, Arkansas at Crocky’s Cafe, there will be music by Mike (MG and the Quiet Storm) Linzini on Friday at 7 p.m. And “The Shaw Revolver Trio” on Saturday. Both nites’ music starts at 6 p.m.

 That ain’t all I have to say but it’s a good place to stop. Enjoy the Fourth and Support Live Music. Contact me at (918) 649-5736 or tj.wiles61@outlook.com.

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