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City Council agenda 12-7-2023

A banner with the words " 3 8 suicide and crisis lifeline ".

The Heavener City Council will meet in a regular business meeting 6 p.m. Thursday in Heavener City Hall at 103 East Avenue B.


  1. Approval of minutes from previous meeting.
  1. Approval of purchase orders presented for payment.
  1. Consider, discuss, and take action to approve Ordinance # 775-23 Animals. This replaces and updates all of the animal ordinances.
  1. Consider, discuss, and take action to approve Ordinance # 776-23 HUA admin fee. This establishes a fee, not to exceed $1.00 per month, per active account to provide funding for communication services, technology and equipment.
  1. Consider, discuss, and take action to nominate 1 new member to the Heavener Utility Authority Board of Trustees.
  1. Consider, discuss, and take action to nominate 1 new member to the Planning Commission.
  1. Consider and take action on code violations for Christine Roberts c/o Vester Fry, for property located at 108 Reeves Lane, for accumulation of trash and harboring vermin and or mosquitoes.
  1. Consider and take action on code violations for Kimberly and Jackie Anderson, for property located at 704 West Ave. D, for vehicles with expired tags.
  1. Consider and take action on code violations for Stephen Samuels, for property located at 700 West Ave D, for rank grass and weeds, accumulation of trash and harboring vermin and or mosquitoes.
  1. Consider and take action on code violations for Stephen Samuels, for property located at 702 West Ave. D, for rank grass and weeds, vehicles with expired tags, accumulation of trash and harboring vermin and or mosquitoes.
  1. Consider and take action on code violations for Stephen Samuels, for property located at 708 West Ave. D, for rank grass and weeds, vehicles with expired tags, accumulation of trash and harboring vermin and or mosquitoes.
  1. Consider and take action on code violations for Connie Lewallen, for property located at 712 ½ West Ave. D, for rank grass and weeds, failure to remove manure. Insufficient acreage for livestock (goats), failure to comply with Chicken ordinance (ducks), accumulation of trash and harboring vermin and or mosquitoes.
  1. Consider and take action on code violations for Connie Lewallen, for property located at 804 West Avenue D, for rank grass and weeds, accumulation of trash and harboring vermin and or mosquitoes, and allowing raw sewage to spill on ground, improper removal of spilled sewage, building a homemade septic tank against City ordinances.
  1. Consider and take action on code violations for Connie Lewallen, for property located at 902 West Ave. D, for rank grass and weeds, vehicles with expired tags, accumulation of trash and harboring vermin and or mosquitoes, failure to comply with chicken ordinances, failure to follow building permit ordinances.
  1. Consider and take action on code violations for Cantera Habacuc and Soledad Martinez, for property located at 903 West Ave. D, for rank grass and weeds, vehicles with expired tags, accumulation of trash and harboring vermin and or mosquitoes, failure to comply with chicken ordinances.
  1. City Commission votes to enter into executive session (requires majority vote of quorum of the members present to enter).
  1. Enter executive session with city manager and attorney for confidential communications, as authorized by 25 O.S. Sect. 307 (B) concerning:
    a. Promote part time officer Carlos Henson to full time at the rate of $17.50 per hour.
  1. Reconvene in open meeting.
  1. Consider, discuss and take action to promote part time officer Carlos Henson to full time at the rate of $17.50 per hour.
  2. New Business / Public Comments (the public will be recognized by the Mayor from a sign-in sheet, where each citizen wishing to address the city commission, shall sign their name and the request or purpose for being recognized).
  1. Department. heads’ reports
  1. City manager’s report
  1. Trustee’s/chairman’s report
  1. Adjourn

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