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A busy day for the Halls and more!

A busy Friday for the Halls and more!

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A busy Friday for the Halls and more!


Trish the Wife, the little ones, daughter-in-law and myself had a long day Friday.

It started off poorly as I woke up about 2 a.m. with the thoughts of no caffeine for most of the day in my head. The Craigman does like his coffee in the morning and generally agree that is one of the best ways to start the day.


I had to go to Tulsa for a stress test. I frequently have a lot of stress to deal with, but this was a stress test to see if my old ticker is okay. That was the reason for lack of food and caffeine. I tried to come up with a reason to get out of the stress test, but was shamed for being a wuss by Ralph Man Due and Trish the Wife. Hopefully this is a test I aced, then did the whole pre-check in at Oklahoma Surgical Hospital for my June 19 procedure on my neck.

Now, that was a nice place. The people seemed friendly, especially one nurse who saved me an extra trip to Tulsa to get fixed up with a neck brace by reaching out to a representative of the company who volunteered to come to the hospital the morning of my surgery to take care of that.

I was asked a bunch of questions, filled out a ton of paperwork, gave my prized autograph many times, then talked to a very intelligent practical anesthesiologist. The fact I probably had under garments older than her was not mentioned. But she was friendly and helpful, even though if was a Friday afternoon and most people probably had things that were preferable to me. No, really.

Unless I failed a prior echo test or yesterday’s stress test, I will have a procedure that I have successfully put off for a year. Yes, it did hurt like a you-know-what frequently, but hopefully this will take care of it. It just seems strange some cadaver’s bone will be interested in my spine, then fused with the other bones as my vertebrae has collapsed. This is hoped to relieve the pressure and the pinched nerves which visit my arms, shoulders and chest.

Yesterday, it was a hurt neck day. After I left the hospital with practically a book of paperwork I should read, but probably won’t, we ventured to Tulsa’s Incredibly Expensive Pizza (shown above with Khloe the granddaughter hauling tush on the indoor go-cart track). It’s actually Incredible Pizza, but the company does a remarkable job of separating one from their money. Think Chunkie Cheese multiplied many times over, then double it.

BTW, I did survive lack of food and caffeine. I asked Trish the Wife for food and a large drink with lots of caffeine in it after the stress test and she delivered, as usual.

So this will be a recovery day, hopefully, although the yard does need mowed and we have people coming over to swim and I get to do day care for my wife’s niece. Apparently, word has spread about our excellent treatment of dogs and our service comes highly recommended. I am drawing the line with our current clients, although our dog Luna will have a blast. And after leaving her all by herself yesterday, she needs a fun day.

I will have to miss my morning updates for a few days for my surgery, but hopefully it is only a speed bump and I will be supplying all kinds of information every day, just for you (and many more).

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