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Indians top Wolves, 18-2

Agenda for commissioners 9-16-2024

A banner with the words " 3 8 suicide and crisis lifeline ".

The LeFlore County commissioners will meet in a regular business meeting 9 a.m. Monday in the office of the board of county commissioners.


  1. Call to order.
  2. Minutes of previous meeting.
  3. Purchase orders/payroll.
  4. Bonds.
  5. Monthly fee reports.
  6. Transfer of appropriations.
  7. Blanket purchase orders.
  8. New business
  9. Contract labor/service agreements.
  10. Burn ban.

11 After public hearing, have discussion with possible action regarding passing resolution authorizing vacating/closing all of county road known as Buck Creek cut through road, connecting county roads N4660 and E1280, lying in or adjacent to Sections 13 and 14, Township 6 North, Range 24 East.

  1. Consider and possibly approve change in requisitioning officer from Jacob Boxham to Jeff Hutcherson and change in receiving officer from Cristy Cole to Jerry Brasher regarding all Bokoshe Fire Department accounts.
  2. Review and possibly approve amendment to agreement concerning LeFlore County, give help and Oklahoma Alliance for Recovery Resources, Inc., LeFlore County, recently entered into an agreement with Give Help, a non-profit corporation, which has recently been absorbed by O.K. A.R.R., a non-profit corporation and assumed its responsibilities.
  3. Consider and possibly approve lease purchase agreement between LeFlore County and Welch State Bank regarding the purchase of a fire pumper tanker to benefit Arkoma Fire Department in the amount of $283,547, with monthly payments of $2.349.85 for the duration of 180 months.
  4. Consider and possibly appointment of Tabetha Jarel Brown to the LeFlore County Hospital Authority Board with term end date of 7-1-2026.
  5. The LeFlore County board of county commissioners’ chairman Jamie Oliver, vice chairman Vallard Campbell and member Josh Blaylock vote to appoint member to the LeFlore County Health Board with appointment term end date of 7-1-2026.
  6. Adjourn.

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