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Agenda for county commissioners 8-26-2024

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POTEAU—The LeFlore County commissioners will meet in a regular business meeting 9 a.m. Monday in the board of county commissioners.

Here is the agenda:

  1. Call to order.
  2. Minutes of previous meeting.
  3. Purchase orders/payroll.
  4. Bonds.
  5. Monthly fee reports.
  6. Transfer of appropriations.
  7. Blanket purchase orders.
  8. New business.
  9. Contract labor/service agreements.
  10. Burn ban.
  11. Consider and possibly approve KEDDO Reap close out document and affidavit certifying Reap completion regarding project number K7028-23 Hicks Chapel Road.
  12. Consider and possibly approve notice to hold a public hearing vacating the resolution passed by the board of county commissioners, LeFlore County, on July 11, 2022 that states the following:
    “The Board of county commissioners, LeFlore County, state of Oklahoma, meeting in a regular business meeting, do hereby resolve to not close Buck Creek Road cut through connecting roads N4660 and E1280 lying in or adjacent to Sections 13, Township 8 north, range 24 east, section 14, township 8 north, range 24 east, section 24, township 8 north, range 24 east.”
  13. Review and possibly approve 324A claim in the amount of $188.25 as submitted by Pinnacle Consulting Management Group, Inc. regarding shortage in payment concerning project Cache Creek and Coal Creek JP/29974(04) parcels 3, 5 and 5A.
  14. Review and possibly approve resolution regarding appropriating 26 percent of all future use tax collections to the county general account, and 74 percent to the highway use tax account which is to be split evenly between LeFlore County highway departments Districts 1,2 and 3.
  15. Consider and possibly approve resolution regarding appointment of Derwin Gist as first deputy to LeFlore County commissioner highway department District 1.
  16. Consider and possibly approve resolution regarding adding addition of Derwin Gist as requisitioning officer to all LeFlore County commissioner highway department district 1 accounts.
  17. Consider and possibly approve memorandum of understanding between the federal Emergency Management Agency and LeFlore County regarding collaboration with respect to non-financial direct technical assistance (DTA) under FEMA’s building resilient infrastructure and communities (BRIC) program.
  18. Consider and possibly approve permit application for construction within county right of way to bore under/along 2428 (Palmilla Drive, section 32, township 7 north, range 25 east, located in county commissioner District 2, for the purpose of electrical installation.
  19. Adjourn.

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