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Agenda for Howe School Board 8-12-2024

Agenda for Howe School Board 8-12-2024

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Agenda for Howe School Board 8-12-2024

The Howe School Board will meet in a regular business meeting 6 p.m. Monday in the Howe Administration Building at 21444 E. North Railroad Street.


  1. Opening Flag Salute
  1. Invocation
  1. Call meeting to order and record members
  1. Approve or disapprove agenda items for the Regular Board Meeting August 12,
  1. Approve or disapprove minutes for the Regular Board Meeting July 8,
  1. Approve or disapprove resignations as received by the superintendent
  1. Discussion/action on staff needs for the 2024-2025 school year and any Adjunct or Emergency Teacher Status required for filling positions.
  1. Approve or disapprove substitute teacher list as presented by the superintendent
  1. Discussion/action on 2024-2025 school year contracts and extra duty schedule as presented by the principals.
  1. Approve or disapprove the following encumbrances:

General Fund Accounts Payable P.O.#’s 76-140 and Payroll #’s 70023-70123, Building Fund P.O.# 1-6, Building Fund Payroll # 7001; Sinking Fund # None.

  1. Approve or disapprove Superintendent’s Financial Report:
    1. General Fund Building Fund c. Scholarship Fund d. Activity Fund e. Building Bond Fund
  2. Superintendent’s Report:
    1. Facilities Update Grants
  3. Principal’s report on current status of their programs and scheduled events or activities.
  1. Approve or disapprove the Student Communications Platforms as presented by the superintendent.
  1. Discussion/action on student handbook and procurement updates for the 2024-2025 school
  1. Approve or disapprove Alternative Education Plan for the 2024-2025 school
  1. Approve or disapprove OSSBA Updates for the 2024-2025 school
  1. Approve or disapprove fund-raisers for the 2024-2025 school year.
  1. Approve or disapprove TLE Marzano Evaluations for district evaluation system for the 2024-25 school year.
  1. Approve or disapprove contracts for the 2024-2025 school year with the following providers: Linda McGowen, Educational Evaluations.
  1. Approve or disapprove participation agreement among Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE), Public Consulting Group, Inc. (PCG), and the School District.
  1. Discussion/action on ESSER 3 Distance Learning Plan for the 2024-2025 school year and High School Construction Project .
  1. New business.
  1. Board Member comments.
  1. Vote to adjourn.

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