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Agenda Heavener School Board 2-13-2023

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Agenda Heavener School Board 2-13-2023

The Heavener School Board will meet in a regular business meeting 6 p.m. Monday in the Glenn Scott Educational Center at 500 West Second Street Room 103 in Heavener.

Here is the agenda:

  1. Opening flag salute.
  2. Invocation.
  3. Call meeting to order and record members present.
  4. Jim Newcome—update.
  5. Principals’ report: Keli Cartwright, Jeremy Dyer, Grant Ralls.
  6. Approve or disapprove update to gifted and talented plan.
  7. Superintendent report: Ed Wilson.
  8. Consent agenda.

9.Tabled from previous meeting: Approve or disapprove CDL bus drivers clearing house contract.

  1. Approve or disapprove Heavener Public Schools as the LEA for LeFlore County Special Education Cooperative for 2023-2023.

11.Approve or disapprove Heavener Public School membership and Medicaid agreement with LeFlore County Special Education Cooperative for 2023-2024.

  1. Approve or disapprove memorandum of understanding with Choctaw Nation, Heavener Public Schools and Hodgen Public Schools for a summer school program during summer 2023.
  2. Approve or disapprove contract for audit of financial statements for 2022-2023 school year from Kerry J. Patton, CPA.
  3. Approve or disapprove Frantz Law Firm update.
  4. Approve or disapprove surplus property: 2006 Suburban, 2022 Ford (police car).
  5. Approve or disapprove resignations as received by the Superintendent.
  6. Proposed executive session to discuss the employment of the following personnel for 2023-2024 school year: Grant Ralls, High School principal; Brian Terry, assistant high school principal and athletic director; Jeremy Dyer, middle school principal and JH athletic director; Keli Cartwright, elementary principal and special education director; Joe Heavener, plant operations/custodial manager; Melissa Hamner, food services director.
  7. Vote to convene in executive session.
  8. Acknowledge boards’ return to open session and president’s statement regarding items discussed in executive session.
  9. Approve or disapprove employment of the following personnel for 2023-2024: Grant Ralls, High School principal; Brian Terry, assistant high school principal and athletic director; Jeremy Dyer, middle school principal and JH athletic director; Keli Cartwright, elementary principal and special education director; Joe Heavener, plant operations/custodial manager; Melissa Hamner, food services director.
  10. New business.
  11. Approve or disapprove motion to adjourn meeting.

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