Obituary for Bonnie Hardin
Bonnie Hardin passed peacefully from this Earth on Jan. 12, 2025 at the age of 80 at home in Heavener.
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Bonnie Hardin passed peacefully from this Earth on Jan. 12, 2025 at the age of 80 at home in Heavener.
LeFlore County calendar LeFlore County calendar of events for the next week. The calendar is a free service for our readers. If you are a church or non-profit event, please…
LeFlore County weather forecast for Tuesday calls for cloudy skies early with the clouds clearing away later in the day for Heavener, LeFlore County and the area.
By Rep. RICK WEST The 60th Legislature convened for Organizational Day on Jan..7. Each legislative chamber officially elected new leadership and adopted rules by which we will operate during the…
The LeFlore County commissioners met in a regular business meeting on Monday at the county courthouse in Poteau with Chairman Jamie Oliver presiding. Also present were Vice-Chair Vallard Campbell, Member…