LeFlore County scoreboard 4-7-2023
LeFlore County scoreboard 4-7-2023 LeFlore County sports scores for Saturday Baseball LCT championship Wister7, Poteau 2 Poteau 8, Panama 0 Regular season Achille 9, Bokoshe 7 Thackerville 7, Bokoshe 6…
Bible verse of the day 4-8-2023
Bible verse of the day 4-8-2023 Bible verse of the day for Saturday. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because you…
LeFlore County calendar 4-7-2023
LeFlore County calendar 4-7-2023 LeFlore County calendar lists the upcoming events in the county for the next week. This is a free service, so if you or your group have…
LeFlore County weather forecast 4-7-2023
LeFlore County weather forecast 4-7-2023 Mostly cloudy skies and cool again Friday in LeFlore County.
Council approves repair bill
Council approves repair bill By CRAIG HALL The Heavener City Council approved an invoice to repair the Heavener Runestone Community Building for $4,800 for Tommy Dolph during Thursday’s meeting.