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Byrd releases Talihina school audit

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OKLAHOMA CITYOklahoma State Auditor and Inspector Cindy Byrd released Friday her audit of Talihina Public Schools.

This investigative audit was requested by the citizens of the school district.

The primary findings of interest are the credit card expenditures of the school superintendent. Superintendent Jason Lockhart failed to provide receipts for more than $11,000 worth of purchases. 

“Without receipts, we are unsure if any of those expenditures were for a lawful business purpose or if they were made for Lockhart’s personal expenses,” Byrd said. 

Lockhart accrued a total of $2,152 in personal expenses on a credit card designated to cover district-related expenses. Lockhart repaid $539 yet $1,613 remained unpaid for unauthorized purchases including $704 for alcoholic beverages. 

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