Area weather forecast 11-28-2023
Clear skies and warmer temperatures Tuesday in LeFlore County, southeastern Oklahoma and west central Arkansas.
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Clear skies and warmer temperatures Tuesday in LeFlore County, southeastern Oklahoma and west central Arkansas.
By TERRY JOE WILES Neighbors and friends. If this was in Sunday Service at Faith Community/Nazarene, it would be a praise report. But since this is just my soapbox once…
By LEON YOUNGBLOOD [email protected] A friend is getting into the Christmas spirit by not getting into the Christmas spirit. He will work Christmas Day, he will not participate in gift…
The area calendar lists the upcoming events in LeFlore County, southeastern Oklahoma and west central Arkansas. If you are a non-profit, school or church, submit an event. This is a…
Clear skies and slightly warmer temperatures for Monday in LeFlore County, southeastern Oklahoma and west central Arkansas.