Area weather forecast 1-9-2024
Cloudy skies and windy conditions continue before we see a big drop in the temperatures later in the week.
A pleasant sort of music
By LEON YOUNGBLOOD Though we’re not in a hurry, it’s taking a while for my wife and me to get through the holiday season. But I think—think—we may have ended…
Bible verse of the day for 1-9-2024
Monday’s Bible verse. A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity. —Proverbs 17:17 Don’t miss out. Subscribe to LeFlore County’s only daily…
Blast from the past 1-7-2024
Today’s blast from the past is of Makenzie (Wilson) Luman for Heavener in junior high. She is now a college graduate and works at Heavener School and is the assistant…