Football playoff scores from Friday
Football playoff Football playoff scores for football first-round playoff games. Click on each class to see an updated bracket.
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Sports stories
Football playoff Football playoff scores for football first-round playoff games. Click on each class to see an updated bracket.
Four LeFlore County Four LeFlore County teams will be taking part in the high school state football playoffs as the first round opens Friday.
Tonkawa visits Pocola Tonkawa visits Pocola in a Class A football playoff opening round game 7 p.m. Friday, one of two games in LeFlore County today as Talihina is home…
Panama at Pawnee Panama at Pawnee opens the Class A playoffs for the Razorbacks one week after the Razorbacks won at Hartshorne, 12-10, finishing fourth in District A-4.
Wister Lake Wister Lake fishing report for this week. Wister: Nov. 8. Elevation is 3 ft. above normal and rising, water temperature 68°F and stained. (USACE Current Lake Level) Largemouth bass fair on…