A picture of the county from above with text
Poteau man charged
A banner with the words " 3 8 suicide and crisis lifeline ".

Color me neutral


As I have mentioned before, two things one should avoid writing about in a fine place like this and in the general public, is religion and politics.

I share a Bible verse every day so I already break this policy. Today, I break the other. I am going to write about politics (gasp).


I am not going to praise a certain political party or make fun of the other political party. Instead, I have not been happy with politics as both parties upset me when they cannot act like adults.

Two years ago, I switched to the Republican party just so I could vote for a person in the primary election. A few months ago, I changed to the Libertarian party, because they were supposed to be in favor of smaller governments and several other reasons that sounded promising. Then, I found out they were in favor of open borders (double gasp).

So, I took a few minutes this morning and changed my political party to independent. Of course, one could say that means I don’t favor anything or anybody. Ok. Instead, I can sit back and win no matter what. If an idiot is elected, I am not a member of that party, by gosh. If a party does something really dumb (see Ukraine funding), hey, don’t blame me.

Actually, this is not the ideal situation for me, and that is something we all want. Right? Ok, there is only one political party I would be one hundred percent in favor of and that is the Craiglican party.

What is the Craiglican party? Thanks for asking chum. It is, of course, a party that believes and follows only that I am in favor of. Term limits? Yep, for thee, but not me. Close those border. If you want to enter the United States, do it the right way. I have a friend who immigrated and went through the steps to become a citizen. He does not like the way the border is open for everybody. Neither do I.

Elections should be decided in one day. Oklahoma does it the right way. You want to vote absentee? Cool, prove it is you and you are good to go. That is not discriminating against anybody, only preventing a party from cheating. Ballots should never get sent out to everybody, especially those people who are pushing up daisies.

Give me some of that balanced budget, just like a family or business. The Hall family, despite our best interests, typically live within our means, so should the government.

No government official should take money from Medicare, especially since I hope to retire some day and want my piece of the pie. We should not be funding or fighting wars in other countries. I believe in a strong military, but only if somebody attacks the United States should it be used, unless it is the liberal northeastern area and we can give that away. Plus, why should we take care of all these other countries when we can’t take care of our own.

Age limits for politicians? Heck yes. You hit 70, it’s time to hit the rocking chair, not get rich on insider trading like so many politicians.

With a smaller government, we could lower our taxes. Gut the IRS and go to a balanced tax rate, that is the only fair way to make sure everybody is taxed fairly.

Unfortunately, this is a pipe dream. There is no Craiglican party, even though there should obviously be one, although I fear it would only have one person. I also doubt I would ever run for office because that would require moving, along with a bunch of other things I have no interest in.

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