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Commissioners’ agenda 10-21-2024

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Commissioners’ agenda

The LeFlore County commissioners will meet in a regular business meeting 9 a.m. Monday in the office of the board of county commissioners.

Here is the agenda:

  1. Call to order.
  2. Minutes of previous meeting.
  3. Purchase orders/payroll.
  4. Bonds.
  5. Monthly fee reports.
  6. Transfer of appropriations.
  7. Blanket purchase orders.
  8. New business.
  9. Contract labor/service agreements/annual contracts.
  10. Burn ban.
  11. Tabled from previous meeting, discuss with possible action LeFlore County drug court District 16 request for abatement grant funding for the purpose of purchasing one to two transport vehicles and testing supplies.
  12. Meet with Bill Hicks for discussion only regarding roads within county.
  13. Discussion and possible action on revising or rescinding resolution regarding personal electronic devices in the LeFlore County Courthouse.
  14. Adjourn

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