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Commissioners’ agenda 11-20-2023

A banner with the words " 3 8 suicide and crisis lifeline ".

The LeFlore County commissioners will hold a regular business meeting 9 a.m. Monday in the office of the board of county commissioners.



  1. Call to order.
  2. Minutes of previous meeting.
  3. Purchase orders/payroll.
  4. Bonds.
  5. Transfer of appropriations.
  6. Blanket purchase orders.
  7. New business.
  8. Contract labor/service agreements, annual contracts.
  9. Burn ban.
  10. Review with possible approval declaration of surplus of obsolete county inventory item numbers DR-332.003.1994 Mercury car with original price of $3,400 and DR-231.004 2002 Mercury car with original purchase price of $5,044 for the benefit of the LeFlore County drug court department.
  11. Consider and possibly approve resignation letter as submitted by Cody Covey regarding the circuit engineering District 3 board and Kiamichi Economic Development Board.
  12. Consider and possibly approve resolution regarding the appointment of Vallard Campbell to the circuit engineering District 3 board of LeFlore County (CED #3) in place of Cody Covey.
  13. Consider and possibly approve resolution regarding the appointment of Vallard Campbell to the Kiamichi Economic Development Board of Trustees of LeFlore County (KEDDO) in place of Cody Covey.
  14. Consider and possibly approve resolution regarding change in receiving officer from Kathy Craig to Stephanie Cheek to benefit LeFlore County commissioner highway di8trict 2.

15 Review and possibly approve information and technology (IT) Coremax Support Service and maintenance agreement between AF3 Technical solutions LLC and the LeFlore County assessor’s office.

  1. Tabled from previous meeting: award bid regarding the purchase of one to six tractors and one to six cutters for the benefit of LeFlore County commissioners’ highway department districts 1, 2 and 3.
  2. Adjourn.

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