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County Commissioners approve sealed bids

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County commissioners approve

County commissioners approve a notice to seek sealed bids for a surplus 2007 and a 2008 Mack truck from the District 2 inventory at Monday’s weekly meeting.

Plan revision

The board handled some routine start-of-the-year items, including revising the Emergency Operations Plan to include newly elected commissioners Vallard Campbell III and Jamie Oliver.

Oliver also was appointed to the LeFlore County KEDDO board of directors, effective Jan.3.

Dooucette appointed

Sadie Doucette was appointed deputy to the county assessor.

Larry Young was re-appointed to the Equalization and Excise Boards.

Lease approved

A lease was renewed between the county and Service Oklahoma for the space behind the courthouse annex used for driver safety and testing driver license applicants.

Kevin Merritt and Sarah Jordan were named requisitioning officers and Gail Hudson and Dusti McBeth as receiving officers to all district attorney accounts.

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