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Departments give reports to city leaders

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Departments give reports to city leaders


Most of Monday night’s Poteau City Council meeting was devoted to in-person reports from department representatives.

But several other items of business were also handled.

The council accepted an $82,000 grant for an environmental assessment study for the planned 2015 runway extension. The city will be responsible for $9,070.

Pansy Kidd Middle School Librarian Tiffany Latham was appointed to the city’s board seat with the Southeast Oklahoma Library System. The position has been vacant since July 1, and the term will expire June 30, 2025.

Property at 704 S. McKenna was rezoned from C-3 to C-4 to accommodate a planned U-Haul business.

Bryce Odom of the Cemetery Department received a 5-year service pin.

In her Chamber of Commerce report, Karen Wages said 2023’s first Positively Poteau Cruise Night will be Friday with clubs from Arkansas and Tulsa expected to participate; Trash-Off will run from April 10-15 with hot dogs and drink on the 15th and the Chamber Awards Banquet will be April 27.

Mayor Scotty White gave the Poteau Area Recreational Center report in place of Director Daniel Upton.

The PARC’s first major softball tournament was held last weekend and brought in a total of $13,098 in concessions, entry fees and ticket sales, White said.

Building Inspector James Sprayberry said seven new building permits were issued in March. He said several new houses are being built, including a 24-home addition off Central.

Street Commissioner Ronni Burgess said his department had been busy clearing the way for the resurfacing of Broadway over the past few weeks. He said the work was done by the state Department of Transportation and JoB Construction supplied the materials. Cost to the city was $249,000. He said workers are starting on other repair projects and mowing.

Speaking for Fire Chief Jon Pickel, Assistant Chief John Ford said the department is working toward improving the town’s ISO rank, which affects local insurance rates. He said the city received a No. 4 rating in 2018, and he would like to see it lowered to 3 or even 2.

He said a major step toward the goal is better tracking of firefighters’ training hours. He said firefighters attend a tremendous number of training classes, both individually and in groups, here and in other cities.

Police Chief Billy Hooper said officers will begin body cam training soon. He said the department was down four positions, but one was filled at Monday’s meeting with the hiring of Ethan Brown, pending passing the physical. Brown has been an officer at Heavener.

Other reports included Public Works, Wastewater and Billing and Collections.

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