I came across the story about the Washington Post editorial board wanting to endorse a certain candidate for president.
The WaPo owner, Jeff Bezos, who also owns Amazon, nixed that endorsement and the writers seemed a little miffed.
I figure Bezos could do what he wanted since he owned the paper. Plus, whoever was endorsed would leave half the people mad. Supposedly the paper lost $200,000 in revenue due to subscribers canceling their subscription.
If the endorsement had gone through, the paper would have probably lost even more money.
I don’t do political endorsements.
Mainly, because whoever you endorsed, it would upset a lot of readers who chose to support the other candidate.
Plus, it’s not like anybody would decide to vote for a certain candidate just because I gave them an endorsement. I always thought our readers were intelligent enough to choose a candidate on their own. That is why we did political forums and allowed the voters to hear and meet the candidates.
I never heard one person complain about our lack of endorsements. I messed up a lot of things with the Ledger, but I don’t think this was one of them.
If a newspaper does endorse a candidate, it’s basically a waste of ink and time. As I mentioned earlier, just because say, The Daily Oklahoman, endorsed somebody, it would not change who I vote for or against.
The only reason for the endorsement is to make the writers at the papers give them an extra sense of importance, I guess.
I also figured if I ever did endorse somebody, it would probably hurt that candidate as some people would vote for another candidate just to show me.
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