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Heavener City Council agenda 5-5-2022

A banner with the words " 3 8 suicide and crisis lifeline ".

HEAVENER – The Heavener City Council will meet in a regular business meeting 6 p.m. Thursday in Heavener’s City Hall at 103 East Avenue B.

Here is the agenda:

CALL TO ORDER – Chairman





  1. Approval of minutes from previous meeting.
  1. Approval of purchase orders presented for payment.
  1. Consider, discuss, and take action on the upcoming OMAG commissioners training.
  1. New Business / Public Comments (the public will be recognized by the Mayor from a sign-in sheet, where each citizen wishing to address the city commission, shall sign their name and the request or purpose for being recognized).
  1. Department. heads’ reports
  1. Treasurer’s report
  1. City manager’s report
  1. Trustees’/chairman’s report
  1. Adjourn

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