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Heavener High School names honor students

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Heavener High School names honor students

Heavener High School has announced its valedictorians and salutatorians for the 2023 senior graduating class.

Valedictorians are Kinley Brand, McKinley Alexander, Sydnee Shipman, Aurora Martinez and Carolina Yanez. Salutatorians are Dustin Noahubi, Havyn Summers and Kaydee White.

Name: Kinley Brand

Parents: Ryan and Amber Brand

HHS activities: Softball, basketball, NHS, BPA

Future plans: After graduation I plan to attend Southern Nazarene University to play softball and major in biochemistry. I then plan to attend medical school and become a pediatrician.

Name: Dustin Noahubi

Parents: Abigail and David Noahubi

HHS activities:

Future plans: Attending OSU

Name: McKinley Alexander

Parents: Aaron and Jenn Alexander

HHS activities: Softball, basketball, NHS, student council, FFA president, FFA show team, FISH club.

Future plans: I plan to become a teacher and a coach for middle school, but more importantly I plan to further my growth with God and share the gospel wherever it is needed. I also plan to marry the love of my life and have a family.

Name: Havyn Summers

Parents: Clark and Tama Summers

HHS activities: Cheer, yearbook, class president, NHS president, BPA historian and FCCLA member.

Future plans: To become a teacher and then become a licensed cosmetologist.

Name: Sydnee Shipman

Parents: Billy and Shan Shipman

HHS activities: National honor society, BPA, class officer.

Future plans: Leaving LeFlore County.

Name: Carolina Yanez

Parents: Octavio Yanez

HHS activities: NHS

Future plans: Get a doctorate in English education and a degree in political science.

Name: Aurora Martinez

Parents: Reyna and Antonio Martinez

HHS activities: Cross country, track, cheer, soccer, National honor society, class officer-secretary/

Future plans: Get my bachelors in accounting to later become a finance manager. Travel with Pebbled and the fam. And start a family.

Name: Kaydee White

Parents: Michael and Misty White.

HHS activities: Family, career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) 2019-2022, Business Professionals of America (BPA) 2022-present. Business professionals of America (BPA) 2022-present, National Honor Society (NHS) 2020-present.

Future plans: After graduation, I plan to attend the University of Oklahoma, then on to medical school in the hopes of becoming a cardiologist.

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