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Heavener hires teachers, staff

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HEAVENER – The Heavener School Board hired two lower elementary teachers and an upper elementary teacher during Monday’s regular business meeting.

The Board also rehired staff and special assignment duties.

Present were President Dylan Roberts, along with Ralph Perdue Jr., Danny Yandell, Tim Davis and Michael White.

White took his oath of office after being re-elected to the board last month. The Board will stay the same as last year with Roberts serving as president, Perdue as vice president, White as clerk and Davis and Yandell as members.

Barbara Johnson and Joni Roop were hired as lower elementary teachers while Susan Powell was hired as an upper elementary teacher. Cheyenne Kelly was hired as a teacher assistant.

There was one resignation as Jennifer Bradshaw, part of the food service staff, turned in her resignation.

The Board also approved open transfers for 2023 and accepted a bid of $6,300 from Earthworks to demolish and remove the old ag building at the high school campus.

A telemedicine agreement with Eastern Oklahoma Medical Center was renewed.

One change to the school handbook was for the middle school concerning cell phones. Previously, it said they were not allowed, and was approved to be changed to they can be brought to school and can be used before school, at lunch and during trips.

A contract with Tom Cameron and Associates for federal program management for next school year was approved.

The Heavener graduation is Saturday. The eighth grade graduate at 2 p.m. while the seniors graduate at 8 p.m. It was approved to move the eighth grade graduation into the gym due to the expected heat.

Elementary Principal Diane Cox said they are working on getting the Choctaw summer school ready and there are currently 390 students from pre-K to fifth grade.

Upper elementary Principal Jeremy Dyer said they had 183 students, up one from April. High school Principal Grant Ralls said the ag banquet was Tuesday and the all-sport banquet is Thursday.

A stipend for $750 on the climate grant was approved for Ed Wilson, Mildred D. Cox, Connie Shockley, Dyer, Aaron Scroggins, Susan Tolbert, Dana Carter, Margo Wright and Sabrina Dyer. A stipend of $350 was also approved for Ralls and Brian Terry.

The following were approved: Federal grants summer tutors at $28 hour: John Fowler Jr., Pamela Head (two days a week), Randall Wheat (two days a week).

Summer school driver education teacher: $1,700 per session—Aaron Turner.

Certified staff/Heavener schools: Aaron Alexander, Carrie Alexander, Sarah Bain, David Baker, Melissa Baker, Shelly Brown, Dana Carter, Bryan Cartwright, Jeff Chronister, Mark Chronister, Judy Clubb, Travis Cook, Angela Culwell, Dana Drury, Lacey Dyer, Sabrina Dyer, James Farmer, Carol Felder, John Fowler Jr., Kimberly Hall, Danella Hardin, Karen Hardin, Pamela Head, Lacy Herbert, Kay Huddleston, Rachel Huddleston, Tiffaney Kirby, Jeremy Krebbs, Billie Lumen, Diane Lynch, John McAlester, Beth Mead, Kelly Meredith, Mark Miller, Kelli Pitchford, Amy Pray, Chad Ritter, Casey Rye, Rodale Sanders, Cami Schiffner, Aaron Scroggins, Virginia Shelton, Shanan Shipman, Stacey Stacy, Lana Sullivan, Kimberly Ward, Mandy Watkins, Ray West, Randall Wheat, Yolanda Wilson and Angela Wooten.

Temporary certified staff/Heavener schools year one: Gunnar Sanders, Jody Clubb and Jolie Kannaday.

Temporary certified staff Heavener schools year two: Jeffrey Broyles, Curtis Curry, Brianne Franks, Katherine Mangrum, Samantha Naylor, Shaylie Sanders, Tambra Scroggins and Margo Wright.

Part-time retired certified staff/Heavener schools: Arlin Glover, Gregory Wilson.

Certified staff/LeFlore County special education cooperative: Anna Caudell, Rachel England, Tawnya Green, Sherry King, Joy Luce and Pattie Talaese.

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