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Heavener School Board agenda 9-9-2024

Heavener School Board agenda 9-9-2024

A banner with the words " 3 8 suicide and crisis lifeline ".

Board meets 6 p.m. Monday

The Heavener School Board will meet in a regular business session 6 p.m. Monday in the Glenn Scott Educational Center at 500 West Second Street in Heavener.


  1. Opening flag salute
  2. Invocation.
  3. Call meeting to order and record members present.
  4. Principal reports: Keli Cartwright, Jeremy Dyer, Grant Ralls.
  5. Superintendent report: Ed Wilson.
  6. Consent agenda.
  7. Approve or disapprove 2024-2025 estimate of needs and 2023-2024 financial statements from Kerry J. Patten, CPA.
  8. Approve or disapprove the calculation of days to hours and minutes.
  9. Approve or disapprove the college remediation report, ACT college report, and first time college attendance report as presented by the site administrator.
  10. Approve or disapprove the student dropout report as presented by the site administrator.
  11. Approve or disapprove ACT in place of end of year testing.
  12. Approve or disapprove a minimum bid adjustment for Tiger Truck from the original amount of $300.
  13. Approve or disapprove a minimum bid adjustment for Ford ag truck from the original amount of $3,000.
  14. Approve or disapprove a minimum bid adjustment for tilt skillet from the original amount of $2,500.
  15. Approve or disapprove the school psychometerist agreement with Linda McGowen for 2024-2025.

16, Approve or disapprove an update to the moment of silence EMI.

  1. Approve or disapprove the Heavener School Board policy manual for 2024-2025.
  2. Approve or disapprove resignations as received by the Superintendent.
  3. Proposed executive session to discuss the employment of the following positions/employees for the 2024-2025 school year: 25 OS 307 (B)(1):

After school tutoring staff

  1. Vote to convene in executive session.
  2. Acknowledge the board’s return to the open session and the president’s statement regarding items discussed in the executive session.
  3. Approve or disapprove the employment of the following positions/employees for the 2024-2025 school year: 25 OS 307 (B)(1).

After school tutoring staff

  1. New business.
  2. Approve or disapprove the motion to adjourn the meeting.

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