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Jaxon Armstrong signs with Southeastern

Howe Board rehires certified staff

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HOWE – The Howe School Board rehired certified staff as well as a few newcomers at the regular meeting Monday.

Present were Kenny Barnhart, Jerrod Johnson, President Elvis Hall and Jason Blake.

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The board hired Tammy Crase for reading intervention, Brianne Lind as a math instructor, Christie Hillebrand for pre-k and Jason Savage as the school resource officer.

A firework stand fundraiser for the FFA was approved by the board.

Resignations approved by the board were Mike Womack, Amanda Martin, Benny Thompson, Bonnie Wilson and resource officer Jody Cooper.

The Board was informed summer school is about to begin and approved the Choctaw Nation POSSE program and associated extra duties. The Board also approved the summer child nutrition program and associated extra duties.

The Board also tabled an action to use an outside vending truck at the BNnB location to check with the school’s insurance company. The Board took no action on a three-year package using stimulus funds.

Under board member comments, Jason Blake announced he planned to resign from the Board.

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