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Howe School Board meeting 1-9-2023

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Howe School Board meeting 1-9-2023

Howe School Board meeting 1-9-2023 was held Monday in the Howe Administration Building with Elvis Hall, Kenneth Barnhart, Howard Sims and Dewayne Leatherwood present.

After approving the agenda and minutes from last meeting, the Board approved general fund PO’s, building fund, sinking fund and payroll.

Superintendent report

Superintendent Scott Parks gave his report on the general fund, building fund, scholarship fund and activity fund.

Under the principals’ report, the Board discussed the driver’s ed program and pointed out there are a lot of activities going on.

Fundraiser requests

Fundraiser requests were approved for the FCCLA and girls’ basketball.

A software and support agreement with ADPC for the 2023-2024 school year was approved.

OSSBA policy

The Board approved OSSBA policy updated regarding bathroom policies.

A public hearing to allow tribal officials and parents of Native American children was tabled.


The resignation of Andrea Dunigan was approved.

A proposed executive session regarding the employment of the superintendent for the next school year was tabled.


A discussion on ESSER II and ESSER III construction project plans concerning plans for a proposed new high school building was also presented.

*Howard Sims helped with the reporting on this story.

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