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Agenda for Heavener

HUA, City Council agenda 4-18-2024

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HUA, City Council agenda 4-18-2024

The Heavener Utilities Authority and City Council will meet in regular business meetings 6 p.m. Thursday in Heavener’s City Hall at 103 East Avenue B in Heavener.

Here are the agendas:


CALL TO ORDER – Chairman




  1. Approval of minutes from previous meeting.
  1. Approval of purchase orders presented for payment.
  1. Heavener Utility Authority vote to enter into executive session (requires majority vote of quorum of the members present to enter).
  1. Enter executive session with city manager and attorney for confidential communications, as authorized by 25 O.S. Sect. 307 (B) concerning:
  1. Estruct vs. HUA lawsuit
  1. Reconvene in open meeting.
  1. Consider, discuss and take action to authorize Attorney Sean McKelvey, on behalf of the Heavener Utility Authority, to negotiate and finalize a settlement of the Estruct lawsuit, and bring back to the board for approval.
  1. Consider, discuss, and take action to approve Ordinance # 780-24 to strengthen the protection of the city sewer system against grease, oil, sand, and grit, and recommend that the City Council adopt.
  1. Consider, discuss and take action on FY 24-25 proposed budget.
  1. Consider, discuss and take action on cost of living raises for FY 24-25 budget.
  1. New Business / Public Comments (the public will be recognized by the chairman from a sign-in sheet where each citizen wishing to address the board of trustees shall sign their name and the request or purpose for being recognized).
  1. Treasurer’s report and financial statements
  1. City manager’s report
  1. Water superintendent’s report
  1. Trustees;/chairman’s report
  1. Adjourn

    City Council

Immediately following the HUA




CALL TO ORDER – Chairman




  1. Approval of minutes from previous meeting.
  1. Approval of purchase orders presented for payment.
  1. Consider, discuss, and take action on FY 24-25 proposed budget.
  1. Consider, discuss, and take action on cost od living raises for FY 24-25 budget.
  1. Consider and take action on code violations for Ana Gatica, for property located at 502 West Ave. G, for rank weeds and grass.
  2. Consider and take action on code violations for Pearl Kelm c/o Howard Kelm, for property located at 206 Fowler, for rank grass and weeds.
  1. Consider and take action on code violations for Sharon Metcalf, for property located at 406 West Ave. C, for rank weeds and grass.
  1. Consider and take action on code violations for Dudley L. Black IV, for property located at 703 West 3rd street, for rank weeds and grass.
  1. Consider and take action on code violations for Mummy, Luz A, & Stasny, Jeanne A. & Birdwell, Laura L. & German, Sonia & Mummy, John S. for property located at North of 505 West 2nd street, for rank weeds and grass.
  1. Consider and take action on code violations for Brett & Jennifer Casey, for property located at 102 West Ave. D, for rank weeds and grass.
  1. Consider and take action on code violations for Sharon Thompson, for property located at Addison Street, west of 506 Addison, for rank weeds and grass.
  1. Consider and take action on code violations for Jorge & Lucia Guerrero, for property located at 307 East 3rd Street, for rank weeds and grass.
  1. Consider and take action on code violations for Shannon Dominguez & Samantha Wecker & Drusilla Segouia & Roger Seese & Melody Smith, for property located at 703 West 4th Street, for rank weeds and grass.
  1. New Business / Public Comments (the public will be recognized by the Mayor from a sign-in sheet, where each citizen wishing to address the city commission, shall sign their name and the request or purpose for being recognized).
  1. Treasurer’s report and financial statements
  1. City manager’s report
  1. Trustees;/chairman’s report
  1. Adjourn

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