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HUA, Council agendas 1-19-2023

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HUA, Council agendas 1-19-2023

The Heavener Utilities Authority and City Council will meet in regularly scheduled meetings 6 p.m. Thursday at the Heavener City Hall at 103 East Avenue B.


CALL TO ORDER – Chairman                                                                    

ROLL CALL – Clerk                                    

INVOCATION – Chairman                                   


1.Approval of minutes from previous meeting.

  1. Approval of purchase orders presented for payment.
  1. New Business / Public Comments (the public will be recognized by the chairman from a sign-in sheet where each citizen wishing to address the board of trustees shall sign their name and the request or purpose for being recognized).
  1. Treasurer’s report
  1. City manager’s report
  1. Water superintendent’s report
  1. Trustees’/chairman’s report
  1. Adjourn

City Council




  1. Approval of minutes from previous meeting.
  1. Approval of purchase orders presented for payment.
  1. Consider, discuss, and take action to declare surplus property of the following vehicles from the Heavener Police Department.

            2018 Dodge Charger VIN 2156 mileage 71,294

            2018 Dodge Charger VIN 2159 mileage 71,866

            2018 Dodge Charger VIN 8966 mileage 75,721

            2018 Dodge Charger VIN 0332 mileage 73,409

            2018 Dodge Charger VIN 2157 mileage 58,826

            2018 Dodge Charger VIN 2155 mileage 73,146

            2018 Dodge Charger VIN 2158 mileage 81,189


  1. City Commission votes to enter into executive session (requires majority vote of quorum of the members present to enter).
  1. Enter executive session with city manager and attorney for confidential communications, as authorized by 25 O.S. Sect. 307 (B) concerning:
  1. Rehire Officer Jason Robertson as a full-time patrol officer at the rate of $15.00 per hour.
  1. Reconvene in open meeting.
  1. Consider, discuss, and take action to rehire Officer Jason Robertson as a full time patrol officer at $15.00 per hour.
  1. New Business / Public Comments (the public will be recognized by the Mayor from a sign-in sheet, where each citizen wishing to address the city commission, shall sign their name and the request or purpose for being recognized).
  1. Police Department monthly reports
  1. City manager’s report
  1. Trustees’/chairman’s report
  1. Adjourn

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