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KTC hosts new teacher academy

KTC hosts new teacher academy

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KTC hosts new teacher academy

The Kiamichi Tech –  Poteau Campus hosted 40 area teachers and administrators from 16 LeFlore County schools Monday for the first new teacher academy.

This session was led by Career Specialist, Angel Hogan-Smith, M.Ed., herself a 28-year LeFlore County educator. Hogan-Smith’s goals for the day were establishing the mentor/mentee relationship, facilitating discussion for district specific expectations and guidelines, providing a guide to teacher resources, establishing and modeling procedures, familiarizing the four stages of teaching and beginning the map to mastery, along with a Q and A session with seasoned teachers sharing their wisdom from their years of experience along with ideas for the first days of school.


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“At KTC’s New Teacher Academy, Angel Hogan-Smith, KTC Career Specialist, skillfully presented relevant and practical information essential to success for new and early career teachers,” said Poteau fifth and sixth grade principal Dr. Bobbi Gillham. “The skills she highlighted provide receptive teachers with the knowledge needed to manage classrooms effectively, leading to meaningful learning experiences for their students. Although the training is intended for beginning teachers, the content is applicable to all educators because the presentation also focuses on why our roles are so important in creating impactful classrooms, schools, districts, and communities. I highly recommend districts utilize this professional development opportunity to support new teachers and motivate career teachers. Angel Hogan-Smith’s focus on the value of our work allows everyone to leave the training feeling proud of their contributions and rejuvenated about the positive impacts they can make individually and collectively on the students whose lives they touch.” Day.

Amneh Harrison, a first-year teacher from Spiro elementary school said, “There was so much valuable information and wisdom shared today. Being a new teacher I have so many questions and this session answered most of them. It also gave me the opportunity to ask my mentor more questions that I would not have thought of until school actually started. Also, it was fun and interactive.”

“It was super encouraging to meet so many of the brightest new educators in our county who are ready to plant seeds and nurture educational growth in our students,” said Hogan-Smith. “Listening to their ideas breathed new life into the room. Getting to listen as the wisdom of the seasoned educators was shared and really just take in the depth of their knowledge of the heart and minds of students in LeFlore County was inspiring. Kiamichi Tech along with our LeFlore County Schools’ primary objective for this event was to build a solid foundation for our area’s new teachers. After the day was over, we all walked away with so much more. New teachers were prepared to give the best start to our students, and seasoned educators were re-inspired to keep showing up and showing off. It was a productive day.”

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