LeFlore County commissioners

LeFlore County commissioners approve vote on tax increase

LeFlore County commissioners

LeFlore County commissioners met Tuesday morning for a regularly scheduled business meeting with Chairman Jamie Oliver presiding. Also present were Vice-Chair Vallard Campbell, Member Josh Blaylock and County Clerk County Clerk Kelli Ford.

The following action was taken by the board:

  • Chairman Jamie Oliver called meeting to order.
  • Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Vallard Campbell to approve the minutes of regular meeting held November 4, 2024. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
  • Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Josh Blaylock to approve purchase orders and longevity claims as presented. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
  • Monthly Fee Reports. None presented.
  • Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Vallard Campbell to approve transfers of appropriations in the amount of $5,569.56 from SPEC 911 Maintenance & Operations account to SPEC 911 Capital Outlay/Equipment account. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
  • Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Vallard Campbell to approve blanket purchase orders as presented and are on file in the office of the County Clerk. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
  • New Business: None discussed.
  • Contract labor/Service Agreements, Annual Contracts: None presented.
  • Burn Ban. Not needed at this time. No discussion.
  • Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Josh Blaylock to approve engagement letter and legal services agreement between the Board of County Commissioners of LeFlore County and Floyd & Driver, PLLC, as Special Counsel for legal services to be rendered in connection with the February 11, 2025, Special County Election. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
  • Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Vallard Campbell to approve resolution authorizing the calling and holding of a Special Election in LeFlore County, Oklahoma on February 11, 2025, for the purpose of levying a new three-tenths of one percent (3/10 cent) on gross receipts or gross proceeds of all taxable sales within LeFlore County, Oklahoma, in addition to all Sales Tax and Use Taxes currently being levied or assessed in LeFlore County for the purpose of providing funding for emergency medical services including, but not limited to, provision of personnel facilities and equipment for the effective and coordinated deliver of health care services primarily under emergency conditions with LeFlore County; authorizing the pledging of the Sales Tax for Dept Service, if applicable; and the taking of other actions related thereto. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
  • Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Vallard Campbell to approve resolution regarding the creation of a LeFlore County login with First National Bank (FNB) online banking system, assigning Kelli ford, Jedd Kirby and Nicole “Nikki” Duncan as authorized users, for the purpose of tracking all current and future LeFlore County loans financed through FNB. current loans held with said financial institution are as follows:
  • Hogeye Fire Department Loan # 72001183          Monthly Payment: $656.47
  • Bokoshe Fire Department Loan # 72002462          Monthly Payment: $1,346.49
  • Monroe Fire Department Loan # 72002041          Monthly Payment: $1,335.24
  • County Sheriff Department Loan # 72000706 Annual Payment: $43,352.82

Motion was approved, all voting yes.

  • Motion as made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Josh Blaylock to approve resolution regarding request by Sandy Rushing to obtain a beer and wine license authorizing the continued operation and sales of beer and wine at the Honobia creek store. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
  • Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Vallard Campbell to approve bid notice and resolution advertising to accept sealed bids regarding Leflore County ballot printing for calendar year 2025. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
  • Motion as made by Vallard Campbell and seconded by Jamie Oliver to approve request by Tabiyah Yetunde for ARPA funding Aid in the amount of $5,000 for the purpose of providing assistance with the Fort Coffee Senior Center Nutrition Program, pending review and approval by LeFlore County ARPA Auditor Wells and Wann Company. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
  • Motion was made by Josh Blaylock and seconded by Vallard Campbell to approve Declaration of Surplus regarding County inventory item D2-348.039 Belshe flatbed trailer with original purchase price of $16,150.00 and D2-322.020 John Deere backhoe with original purchase price of $103,007.85. Motion was approved, all voting yes. 
  • Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Josh Blaylock to table item regarding approval of resolution and bid notice to sell County property pending the need for additional documentation. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
  • Tabled from previous meeting: Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Vallard Campbell to approve 6-month vendor bid list regarding the purchase of County highway materials for the months of January 1, 2025 through June 30, 2025. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
  • Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Josh Blaylock to approve resolution and bid notice to accept sealed bids regarding the purchase of County highway materials for a 6-month period beginning January 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2025. Motion was approved, all voting yes.

Tabled from previous meeting: Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Vallard Campbell to approve amended resolution regarding personal electronic devices (PEDS) in the Courthouse.  The public will now have the option to stow their PED(s) in a locking pouch provided by the Security desk and retain possession of the locking pouch containing their PED(s) while they are in the Courthouse.  Motion was approved, all voting

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