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LeFlore County commissioners’ minutes 11-4-2024

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LeFlore County commissioners

LeFlore County commissioners met in a regular business meeting Monday with Chairman Jamie Oliver presiding. Also present were Vice-Chair Vallard Campbell, Member Josh Blaylock and County Clerk First Deputy Jedd Kirby.  Absent: County Clerk Kelli Ford.

The following action was taken by the board:

  • Chairman Jamie Oliver called meeting to order.
  • Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Vallard Campbell to approve the minutes of regular meeting held October 28, 2024. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
  • Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Josh Blaylock to approve purchase orders as presented. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
  • Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Josh Blaylock to approve Monthly Fee Reports as submitted by the LeFlore County Clerk and Public Health Departments. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
  • Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Vallard Campbell to approve transfers as follows:
  • $129.76 from Co Hwy D3 Maintenance & Operations account to Co Hwy D2 Maintenance & Operations account.
  • $500.00 from Detention Center Maintenance & Operations account to Detention Center Personal Services account.
  • $4,000.00 from Talihina Fire Department. Lease & Rental account to Talihina Fire Department Maintenance & Operations account. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
  • Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Josh Blaylock to approve blanket purchase orders as presented and are on file in the office of the County Clerk. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
  • New Business: None discussed.
  • Contract labor/Service Agreements, Annual Contracts: None presented.
  • Burn Ban instated on 10/28/2024 has expired and will not be reinstated. No action required.
  • Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Josh Blaylock to approve resolution regarding maximum Monthly Highway Expenditures for the month of November, 2024. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
  • Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Vallard Campbell to approve resolution regarding Maximum Monthly Use Tax Highway Expenditures for the month of November, 2024. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
  • Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Josh Blaylock to approve Treasurer’s monthly report of officers for the month of October, 2024. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
  • Motion as made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Vallard Campbell to table approval of 6-month vendor bid list regarding the purchase of County Highway Material pending review. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
  • Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Josh Blaylock to approve resolution regarding change in requisitioning officer from Jansen Hambright to Logan Rea regarding all LeFlore County Fair Board accounts. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
  • Motion as made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Vallard Campbell to approve Franchise Agreement between the County of LeFlore, Oklahoma and CoxCom, LLC regarding the construction and operations of a cable system within LeFlore County. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
  • Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Vallard Campbell to table and remove item at request of LeFlore County Assistant District Attorney Sarah Jordan, regarding LeFlore County Drug Court District 16 request for abatement grant funding for the purpose of purchasing one (1) to two (2) transport vehicles and testing supplies pending further review. Motion was approved, all voting yes. 
  • Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Vallard Campbell to table item regarding revising or rescinding resolution regarding personal electronic devices (PEDS) in the LeFlore County Courthouse. Motion was approved, all voting yes.

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