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Bible verse of the day 5-22-2024

LeFlore County scoreboard 4-7-2023

A banner with the words " 3 8 suicide and crisis lifeline ".

LeFlore County scoreboard 4-7-2023

LeFlore County sports scores for Saturday


LCT championship

Wister7, Poteau 2

Poteau 8, Panama 0

Regular season

Achille 9, Bokoshe 7

Thackerville 7, Bokoshe 6

Slow pitch softball

Wright City 9, Cameron 4

Howe 10, Pocola 6

Wright City 8, LeFlore 6

Spiro 12, Wister 9

Wister 23, Quinton 0

Spiro 10, Quinton 0

Whitesboro 12, Strother 0

Whitesboro 8, Moss 1

To add a score or make a correction CONTACT me.

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