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LeFlore County weather forecast 1-3-2023

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LeFlore County weather forecast 1-3-2023

LeFlore County weather forecast 1-3-2023 calls for partly cloudy skies and cooler temperatures overnight.

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The high will be 62 degrees with a low of 35.

Sunrise is 7:27 a.m. Sunset is 5:19 p.m.


Monday’s high was 74. The low was 52. A total of .13 inches of rain was recorded, the first precipitation of the month. Average rainfall for LeFlore County in January is 2.76 inches.


Average temperatures for Jan. 3 are a high of 50 and low of 27.


Records for the date were a high of 69 in 1997 and a record low of 9 in 2001.

Last year

Last year on this date, the high was 48 with a low of 28.    

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