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LeFlore County weather forecast for 12-17-2024

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LeFlore County weather

LeFlore County weather for Tuesday will have the possibility of showers this morning with thunderstorms expected, along with the chance of hail for tonight. There is currently a 100 percent chance of rain for Tuesday night.

The high is forecast to be 66 degrees with a low of 45.

Sunrise was 7:20 a.m. Sunset is 5:09 p.m.

Monday’s high was 71 with a low of 44. A total of .01 inches of rain was recorded, bringing the monthly total to 0.91 inches, well short of December’s average rainfall of 3.10 inches.

Average temperatures for Dec. 17 are a high of 53 and low of 26.

Records for the date were a high of 74 in 1976. The record low was 5 in 1979.

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