Poteau students

Poteau students for December

Poteau students

Poteau students of the month for the seventh and eighth grade center.

Eighth grade

Poteau students

Name: Yarely Aquino

Parents: Elena Hernandez and Elias Aquino

Electives: athletics, library, STEM

She likes school because: “I get to see my friends and do good.

Name: Judd Hebert

Parents: Justin Hebert, Shea Hebert

Electives: football, wrestling, baseball, robotics, weightlifting.

He likes school because: “It gives me an opportunity to learn and just grow as a person.”

Seventh grade

Name: Chloe Mitchell

Parents: Mandy and Jon Mitchell

Electives: athletics, keyboarding and leadership.

She likes school because: “I get to make memories and friendships with teachers and students.

Name: Jeff Branstetter

Parents: Jena and Taylor Branstetter

Electives: keyboarding, athletics, tech ed

He likes school because: “I get to learn a lot of things and get smarter.”

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