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West welcomes 4-H members to Capitol

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West welcomes 4-H members to Capitol

OKLAHOMA CITY – Rep. Rick West, R-Heavener, recently welcomed 4-H members Kinsley Williams, a seventh-grader, at Fanshaw School, and Brayli Beason, a 10th-grader at Cameron School, to the Capitol for 4-H Day.

Beason is also a member of the Choctaw Nation.

House Resolution 1008 was adopted in the House, designating April 5, 2023, as the 24th Annual 4-H Day at the Capitol.

“4-H is such a great organization teaching our young people life and leadership skills alongside agriculture, nutrition and so many other things that are important to preserving our rural way of life,” West said. “It was great to get to meet these two young women. I wish them well in their future endeavors.”

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