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Bradford captures Council seat

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Bradford captures Council seat

While incumbent Mayor Max Roberts, pictured above, and Council member Joey Clubb held on to their seats in Tuesday’s municipal elections, Christopher Bradford defeated incumbent Council member Melinda Ballantine, 123-113.

The results are unofficial and will not be certified until Friday.

Bradford collected 52.1 percent of the vote while Ballantine had 47.8 percent.

For mayor, Roberts won easily over Ronald Bradford. He collected 196 votes (80.6 percent) compared to 47 (19.3 percent) for his challenger.

In the other Council election, Clubb received 161 votes (65.7 percent) to 84 (34.9 percent) for Bryan Keith Thompson.

In the race for mayor of Poteau, current mayor Scottie White was re-elected 599 (55.4 percent) to 482 (44.5 percent) for Jarrod Ridenour.

For Council member of Ward 3 seat 2, Connie Shockley was easily re-elected with 757 votes (70.5 percent) compared to 316 (29.4 percent) for Karen Mills.

For street commissioner, current commissioner Ronnie Burgess had 468 votes (43.6 percent), Gary Gray collected 337 (31.4 percent), Eric Blaylock had 148 votes (13.7 percent and Ryan Cripps received 120 votes (11.1 percent).

In the school board race, Dennis Yochum defeated Chris Fenton 694 votes (54.6 percent) to (45.3 percent).

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