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Commissioners discuss road repairs

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Commissioners discuss road repairs


Immediate and long-term repairs to State Line Road were the main topic of discussion at Monday’s weekly LeFlore County Commission meeting.

The job is complicated because portions of the road lie in both Arkansas and Oklahoma and three communities – Arkoma, Pocola and Fort Smith, Arkansas. Also, the road officially is part of the LeFlore County District 1 highway inventory.

Representatives from all the involved entities were present for the meeting.

District 1 Commissioner Vallard Campbell said the road has been degraded by weather and increasing heavy truck traffic in recent years.

Campbell said long-term plans should aim to bring the road up to state highway standards in order to hold up to the traffic it carries these days. He said the project would probably cost at least $5 million.

In the meantime, he said, residents and others using the road need immediate relief. Arkoma and Fort Smith representatives agreed the poor state of the road has caused damage to some vehicles.

Campbell said he was concerned about the expense of having to relocate sewer and electric lines. Fort Smith Streets Director Matt Meeker said he didn’t think utilities would be a major expense. He also said Fort Smith was willing to pay half the cost of the project.

Campbell said some of the trucking companies located along the road have agreed informally to contribute materials.

Lacey Pitman of U.S. Sen. Markwayne Mullin’s office said their office could write letters of support for grants and help identify funding sources.

Reese Brewer of the Frontier Metropolitan Planning Organization said her office would help coordinate the repair in any way it can, and invited all those present to discuss the issues further at the agency’s March 30 meeting in Alma, Arkansas.

In other action, the county agreed to sell a parcel of land on Heavener Main Street to Jimmy Tolleson, who bid $1,858 for the property.

The board also approved the certificate of completion and final inspection report from the Choctaw Nation regarding the Conser Road project Phase 1.

Commissioners agreed to seek sealed bids for the Monroe Community Center remodeling through a Kiamichi Economic District of Oklahoma REAP grant.

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