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Unemployment rates continue to increase

Commissioners’ minutes from 6-10-2024

A banner with the words " 3 8 suicide and crisis lifeline ".

Commissioners’ minutes from 6-10-2024

The LeFlore County commissioners met in a regular business meeting Monday with Chairman Jamie Oliver presiding. Also present were Vice-Chair Vallard Campbell, Member Josh Blaylock, and County Clerk Kelli Ford.

The following action was taken by the board:

  • Chairman Jamie Oliver called meeting to order.
  • Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Vallard Campbell to approve the minutes of regular meeting held June 3, 2024. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
  • Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Josh Blaylock to approve purchase orders as presented. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
  • Bonds: None presented.
  • Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Vallard Campbell to approve monthly fee report as presented by the LeFlore County Election Board and is on file in the office of the County Clerk. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
  • Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Josh Blaylock to approve transfers of appropriations as follows:
    • OSU Extension $400.00 from maintenance and operations to capital outlay for the purchase of a new computer.

Motion was approved, all voting yes.

  • Blanket purchase orders: None presented.
  • New business: None presented.
  • Contract labor/service agreements, annual contracts: None presented. 
  • Burn ban: No discussion.
  • Motion was made by Vallard Campbell and seconded by Josh Blaylock to approve resolution and bid notice advertising to accept sealed bids regarding the sale of a truck long bed, tail gate and bumper recently remove from a 2024 Ford F250 SRW 4×4 super cab, to benefit Post Mountain Fire Department. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
  • Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Josh Blaylock to approve Information and Technology (IT) CoreMax Support, Service, Maintenance, Domain and Email Agreement between the LeFlore County Assessor’s office and AF3 Technical Solutions, LLC from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
  • Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Vallard Campbell to approve resolution to not advertise for fuel bids due to the volatility of fuel prices and continue to take quotes per department as needed from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
  • Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Josh Blaylock to approve resolution regarding Election Board reimbursement for precinct poll books and postage for special elections for fiscal year 24/25. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
  • Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Vallard Campbell to approve resolution regarding Election Board reimbursement for overtime compensation and social security over time hours worked for fiscal year 24/25. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
  • Motion was made by Vallard Campbell and seconded by Josh Blaylock to approve 324 A Claim in the amount of $25,200.58 regarding North Bridge Relocation on Rhino Rd JP/2997(05) as submitted by LeFlore County Commissioner Highway Department District 1. Motion was approved, all voting yes.

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