Funeral service for Raymond Sutmiller

East Side Baptist Church in For Smih 2710 Massard Rd, Fort Smith, Arkansas

Obituary for Raymond Othel Sutmiller:

Funeral service for Clem Burroughs

Dowden-Roberts Funeral Home 704 West 5th Street, Hwy. 270 West, OK, United States

Obituary for Clem Burroughs:

Funeral service for Jamar Johnson

Spiro First Baptist Church\ 200 West Broadway, Spiro, Oklahoma

Funeral service at Mary Allbritton

Lakeview Missioy Baptist 4001 East Broadway Street, Spiro, Oklahoma

Obituary for Mary Allbritton:

Funeral service for Patsy Bell

Evans & Miller Pocola 301 South Pocola Boulevard, Pocola, Oklahoma

Service planned for Pansy Bell:

Funeral service for Shirley Yandell

Dowden-Roberts Funeral Home 704 West 5th Street, Hwy. 270 West, OK, United States

Obituary for Shirley Yandell of Poteau:

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