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Poteau Council denies permit

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Poteau Council denies permit


A specific use permit for a medical marijuana processing facility to be integrated into a growing operation at 210 Kerr Avenue was denied Monday night by the Poteau City Council.

Dreamworx Capital Group representative Justin Deal said the facility would have separated resin from the plant material, with the aim of selling it to Dreamworx retail dispensaries in Tulsa. The vote was five to three against. The City Planning Commission had approved the proposal.

Fire Chief John Pickel urged council members to seriously consider replacing a fire truck when planning the coming fiscal year budget. He noted that the first truck to roll out of Station 2 in an emergency is over 30 years old.

Firefighter Kyle Walls, pictured above with Mayor Scotty White and assistant fire chief John Ford, received a pin recognizing five years’ service.

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