Old cemeteries

God and man, continued


Certain businesses are putting their Christmas merchandise on display, so we know Halloween is near.  Not so near that there isn’t time to procrastinate in preparing for it; but when Rudolph, the Thanksgiving turkey, Frosty the Snowman and other harbingers of the holiday season are stepping on the heels of the Great Pumpkin, it’s time to keep your wallets out and keep moving along. Continue reading “Old cemeteries”

God and man, continued

God and man, continued

God and man, continued


Last week I shared a tremendously condensed discussion my friend the Reverend-Brother-Doctor John H and I had with our friend Walter, a good man, but a professed agnostic who is sometimes antagonistic toward Christians.  He inquired, “Why do you two want God?” Continue reading “God and man, continued”