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Minutes from commissioners’ meeting 12-27-2023

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Commissioners’ meeting

The LeFlore County commissioners met in a regular business meeting 9 a.m. Wednesday with Chairman Jamie Oliver presiding. Also present were Vice-Chair Vallard Campbell, Member Cody Covey and County Clerk Kelli Ford.  

The following action was taken by the board:

  1.  Chairman Jamie Oliver called meeting to order.
  2.  Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Vallard Campbell to approve the minutes of regular meeting held December 18, 2023. Motion was approved all voting yes.
  3. Motion was made by Vallard Campbell and seconded by Cody Covey to approve claims/purchase orders as presented. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
  4. Bonds: None presented.
  5. Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Vallard Campbell to approve monthly free report as presented by the Solid Waste Department and is on file in the office of the County Clerk. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
  6. Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Vallard Campbell to approve transfer of appropriations in the amount of $2,600 as submitted by the Hodgen Fire Department to meet maintenance and operation needs. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
  7. Blanket purchase orders. None presented.
  8. New business: None presented.
  9. Contract labor: None presented.
  10. Burn ban: No discussion.
  11. Motion was made by Cody Covey and seconded by Vallard Campbell to approve notice to hold a public hearing regarding closing a portion of old Pocohontas Road, starting approximately at the cross section of newly constructed Pocohontas Road, Wister Oklahoma, traveling approximately three tenths (0.3) of a mile North to North East; And closing approximately one hundred and eighty feet (180’) of old Wards Landing Road from the junction of old Pocohontas Road traveling South to newly constructed Pocohontas Road, Wister, Oklahoma, lying in or adjacent to Sections 32, Township 6 North, Range 24 East. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
  12. Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Cody Covey to approve resolution allowing County Treasurer to reinvest surplus of County Health Department funds for January, 2024. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
  13. Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Vallard Campbell to award bid regarding the LeFlore County Ballot Printing contract for calendar year 2024 to Midwest Printing. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
  14. Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Vallard Campbell to approve resolution determining 6-month county highway material bid award. Detailed information and original bid sheets are on file in the County Clerk’s office. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
  15. Adjourn.

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