Area weather forecast 12-9-2023

Some clouds early Saturday with clouds clearing later in the day and temperatures dropping Saturday in LeFlore County and southeastern Oklahoma.

The high is forecast to be 60 with a low of 32.

Sunrise is 7:14 a.m. with sunset at 5:07 p.m.

Friday’s high was 60 with a low of 48. A total of .41 inches of rain was recorded, bringing the monthly total to .42. Average rainfall for December is 3.10 inches.

Average temperatures for Dec. 9 are a high of 55 and low of 28.

Record temperatures for the date were a high of 70 in 1984. The record low was 11 in 1970.

Last year on Dec. 9, the high was 62 and low was 49.

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Craig Hall
Publisher and owner of Heavener Ledger and