Area weather forecast 12-16-2023

Cloudy skies early with the clouds clearing out later in the day Saturday for LeFlore County and southeastern Oklahoma.

The high is forecast to be 50 with a low of 32.

Sunrise is 7:19 a.m. with sunset at 5:08 p.m.




Friday’s high was 56 with a low of 44. A total of .43 inches of rain was recorded, bringing the monthly total to 0.85 inches, still well short of the December average of 3.10 inches.

Average temperatures for Dec. 16 are a high of 53 and low of 26.

Record temperatures for the date were a high of 73 in 1976. The record low was 8 in 1972.

Last year on Dec. 16, the high was 46 and low was 27.

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Craig Hall
Publisher and owner of Heavener Ledger and