Howe Trustees table hiring

HOWE—The Howe Board of Trustees tabled action on applications received for the treasurer and court clerk position for the Town of Howe during Thursday’s regular business meeting.

In other actions:

The trustees approved taking action on the review of code enforcement notices/abatement letters;

Reviewed the land from a survey of Lot 27, Townsite addition 5, in Section 34, Township 6 North, Range 25 east of Indian base and meridian in LeFlore County;

Took action on a letter from Barr Tell USA, LLC communications;

Amended the ordinance for obtaining building permits within the town of Howe. It will be reviewed and looked at during the next meeting;

Trustees also decided to review an ordinance for building permits for billboards within the town;

Took no action regarding Trinity Consultants having a client who is interested in installing an emergency diesel generator with a tank at a commercial telecommunication tower;

Approved the review of new ordinances for T-Set for city of Howe property and vehicles;

Decided to go forward with hiring a new maintenance person;

Approved the resignation of Kenny Goforth;

Tabled any action on the Doc Dean building and deed;

Decided to talk to an auditor on doing the annual audit;

Approved a change in the mileage reimbursement for Elizabeth Smith to attend OML training in McAlester from .655 to 146.56 miles in the amount of $96.

Howard Sims contributed to this report.

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Craig Hall
Publisher and owner of Heavener Ledger and