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HUA, Council agendas 11-16-2023

A banner with the words " 3 8 suicide and crisis lifeline ".

The Heavener Utilities Authority and City Council will meet in regular business meetings 6 p.m. Thursday in Heavener’s City Hall at 103 East Avenue B.

HUA AGENDA                                                        

  1. Approval of minutes from previous meeting.
  1. Approval of purchase orders presented for payment.
  1. Consider, discuss, and take action to adopt Ordinance # 768-23 to establish a new monthly meter fee by size.
  1. Consider, discuss, and take action to adopt Ordinance # 770-23 for wholesale water rate scale increase.
  1. Consider, discuss, and take action to adopt Ordinance # 771-23 for increasing sewer rates.
  1. Consider, discuss and take action to adopt Ordinance # 773-23 for changes to water and sewer policies.
  1. Consider, discuss and take action to establish a new administration fee on each water account. The revenue from this fee will stay in the Gross Revenue account and help fund the Textmygov administrative costs.
  1. Consider, discuss and take action on the IWWTP sewer rate.
  1. Consider, discuss and take action on the needed repairs for the South brush at the IWWTP.
  1. Consider, discuss and take action to approve and adopt the 2024 schedule of meetings and holidays.
  1. New Business / Public Comments (the public will be recognized by the chairman from a sign-in sheet where each citizen wishing to address the board of trustees shall sign their name and the request or purpose for being recognized).
  1. Treasurer’s report and financial statements
  1. City manager’s report
  1. Water superintendent’s report
  1. Trustee’s/chairman’s report
  1. Adjourn

City Council agenda                                                 

  1. Approval of minutes from previous meeting.
  1. Approval of purchase orders presented for payment.
  1. Consider, discuss, and take action to approve the City of Heavener schedule of meetings and holidays for 2024.
  1. Consider, discuss, and take action to adopt Ordinance # 770-23 for wholesale water rate scale increase.
  1. Consider, discuss, and take action to adopt Ordinance # 771-23 for increasing sewer rates.
  1. Consider, discuss and take action to adopt Ordinance # 772-23 peddlers permit fee increases.
  2. Consider, discuss and take action to adopt Ordinance # 773-23 for changes to water and sewer policies.
  1. Consider, discuss and take action on the Lamp Light Theater construction and grant.
  1. Consider, discuss, and take action on possible restoration of the Lamp Light Theater stage curtain.
  1. Consider, discuss, and take action on a proposed zoning variance for the Humble Abode, as recommended by the Heavener Planning Commission. C-3 zoning doesn’t address apartments’/ multi-family dwellings.
  1. Consider, discuss and take action on a proposed zoning variance, as recommended by the Heavener Planning Commission, to allow RV’s, campers, travel trailers to be used as housing in the Joe Spurrier trailer park to be established on West Avenue I.
  1. Consider, discuss and take action on a proposed zoning variance, as recommended by the Heavener Planning Commission, to allow mobile home placement for Erica Hernandez at 702 East Avenue G.
  1. New Business / Public Comments (the public will be recognized by the Mayor from a sign-in sheet, where each citizen wishing to address the city commission, shall sign their name and the request or purpose for being recognized).
  1. Treasurer’s report and financial statements
  1. City manager’s report
  1. Trustee’s/chairman’s report
  1. Adjourn

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