LeFlore County weather forecast 2-6-2023

LeFlore County weather forecast 2-6-2023

Partly cloudy early with clouds increasing later in the day and into the night with a slight chance of rain overnight for LeFlore County Monday.

The projected high for the day is 67 degrees, which would be a new record for the date. The low is expected to be 53.

Sunrise is 7:13 a.m. Sunset is 5:52 p.m.

Average temperatures for Feb. 6 are a high of 53 and low of 24.

Records for the date were a high of 66 in 1973 and a record low of 2 in 1985.

Last year on this date, the high was 53 with a low of 25.


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Craig Hall
Publisher and owner of Heavener Ledger and leflorecountyjournal.com