LeFlore County weather forecast 3-31-2023

LeFlore County weather forecast 3-31-2023

LeFlore County weather forecast 3-31-2023 calls for warmer temperatures with scattered thunderstorms during the morning Friday with the chance some storms may be severe for Friday in LeFlore County.

The high is forecast to be 80 degrees with a low of 49.

Sunrise is 7:06 a.m. Sunset is 7:38 p.m.

Average temperatures for March 31 are a high of 70 and low of 42.

Record temperatures for the date were a high of 94 in 1974. The record low was 18 in 1987.

Thursday’s high was 71 with a low of 58. A total of eight-10ths of rain was recorded, bringing the monthly total to 10.72, well above March’s average rainfall of 5.40 inches.

Last year on this date, the high was 51 with a low of 33.

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Craig Hall
Publisher and owner of Heavener Ledger and leflorecountyjournal.com